
Suðureyri is a village from the West fjords which has been an official trading place since just before the turn of last century. Now this small eco-friendly fishing village is a popular destination for guests who like to explore, learn and take part in the local fisherman lifestyle. The church was built in 1937. Auður Eir Vilhjálmsdóttir (1937), the first female priest in Iceland, was consecrated here in 1974. A memorial commemorating a local poet from Þröm, Magnús HJ. Magnússon as well as Klukkusteinn, a sculpture by Dýrfinna Torfadóttir can be seen in town. Suðureyri is on the 66°N latitude and this is where the clothing company 66°N, known for its top quality brand, was started by a local man, Hans Kristjánsson.

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