Iceland’s unspoiled nature, free-roaming sheep and rich fishing grounds are the main ingredients for the fresh, organic food on offer in the country. If you are a vegan or a food connoisseur there will always be something for you to get excited about when it comes to eating in Iceland.

Beint frá Býli or Farm Food Direct is an association of farmers which enables you to buy products directly from farms so that you know exactly where your food comes from and freshness is guaranteed. If you want to buy organic food, this is a great way to go about it. The delicious Icelandic lamb is simply a must for any meat lover, and the fresh local organic vegetables are a delight for any vegan.  Add a “brennivín” schnapps as an appetiser to complete the experience.  Fresh trout, salmon, cod and char are all available for fish lovers and the national dessert, skyr, is a dairy delight.  In the shopping street Skólavörðustígur, the charming sit-in Ostabúðin Delicatessen sells cheeses, sausages and more.