Skjálfandi Bay

Towns & Places
North East Iceland
Landmark or Historic site
Skjálfandi Bay

In Skjálfandi Bay on the north coast lies Húsavík, a thriving tourist destination. The main attraction is whale watching as whales are prolific in the bay during summer, making Húsavík the whale capital of Iceland.

The harbour has developed into a thriving hub for whale watchers with restaurants, booking offices and souvenir shops and a whale museum. Húsavik is a pretty town flanked by mountains on one side and the bay on the other. It also has a lovely park beside the river and a wooden church dating to 1907, which takes pride of place on the main road.

There is a variety of museums and art galleries in town. Besides the good swimming pool in town, there are two out-of-town places to soak in, Ostakarið to the north is an old cheese tub and Kaldabakslaug to the south is a geothermal lake containing gold fish.

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