Orkan, Fáskrúðsfjörður

Orkan has 73 self service gas stations around Iceland and offers low price fuel. At Orkan you pay at the pump before fuelling. All pumps are self-service and open 24/7. We accept all major credit cards, and Apple and Google Pay with your smart phone at the pump. You can get Orkan card to your Apple and Google Wallet and receive 12kr. discount per liter and kWh*. Apply for Orkan card here –https://www.orkan.is/english/apply-for-orkan-card/

*12 kr. discount of liter applies to all our stations except Brúartorg, Bústaðavegur, Dalvegur, Einhella, Kleppsvegur, Mýrarvegur, Reykjavíkurvegur, Skógarhlíð, Suðurfell and Suðurlandsvegur. We always offer our lowest prices at those stations.
*12 kr. discount of kWh is available at all stations except Vesturlandsvegi and Fitjar where we offer our lowest possible price.

The electric vehicle stations of Orkan offers 350-600kW power, CCS connectors and one CHAdeMO connector at each station. Our focus is on providing fast EV charging, low prices and good accessibility at our stations. Find our nearest electric vehicle station at https://www.orkan.is/english/orkustodvar/

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